Sad but this really happen ..

Sad but this really happen ..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New York 911 People forgot :( June 21,2011

Good morning,

Last night i was so tiered i totally got off the phone with Chris and i totally fell asleep with makeup,clothes everything i just woke up like 15 mins ago and i realized my packet came in. I ordered a real nice book called ( Here is NEW YORK ) its a picture book only no words at all. And i must admit i still have not looked at all the pictures because i really need to pray before i look at all 846 pages :( I always knew that a picture spoke louder than words and this might be the perfect book to realize that in. I will never forget where i was at when i heard about the terror on NYC that sad day in September 11,2001 can you believe all this time has passed ?? I cant, i was just in High School. I am still young 25 but god knows when this happen i had a real hard time. I remember i was in my 5 th  period class and i had to leave and see someone in the office because i could not stop crying. I remember i got home and i was hooked to the TV for hours and my mom had to turn off the TV and tell me it was not good for me. And here it is and i still feel real sad just talking about it. I don't have family NYC but i do know many of people there and when i ask people: Where were you when 911 happen ? There is no hesitation , everyone remembers exactly what,where, who etc. its amazing because no matter how much goes by time passes by most people remember. I also bought this real nice neck-less that says: " No day will erase you from the memory of time" wow these are powerful words right ??I am not typing this to make anyone sad or feel angry but I am doing this so when you wake up and you read this blog you realize that LIFE is so precious and it can be taken in a second. Look all these people that went to work that day had to idea that it was going to be their last day:( And you are no different that all those people in NYC. If you are having problems with your husband, sister, brother, co-worker , anyone in your life - make peace because you never know it might be your last day or theirs.I always tell people something very interesting someone shared with me a few yrs ago and i will share with you: So when you die people do not remember what car you drove, what house you owned, how much money you had in the bank, what you wore none of those materialistic things. Ready ?? This is what people are going to remember:  HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL ..Yup believe it or not?? the feeling you brought to them when you where alive. So the lesson of this blog is don't be angry, don't be selfish, don't be egocentric .. Just make people feel good :) If you follow this GOD  is my witness your life will change. Because you will view every situation as the last one and make it the best:) I love you all for reading my blog. I need my beauty sleep because tomorrow i have to make lunch MONEY lol

Good night . P.S NYC will always be in my heart will it be in yours?

Love.Pray. Eat and love others ..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day ..Priceless June 19,2011

Hello Followers,
So i finally made it home after a real long day. I got hurt last week and my ankle is still hurting so bad. I got a ankle brace and been elevating it and nope its still painful. The real sad is i hate wearing sandals and stupid slippers. If you know me you know i always wear heels, rain or shine i am wearing them :( I will stay positive and not let this get me sad. So i spoke to Chris's mom last night and i said why don't we all meet and have a barbecue for fathers day? She said i would love that. Keep in mind my mom and dad have never met them before just the girls so this was very exiting. So my mom and I woke up real early and we made Mexican Rice and potato salad. We brought fish, shrimp, chips, watermelon, etc. We then drove to the store and got some bomb Carne Asada :) And we drove a little over a hour to this real nice park (Fremont Park In Riverside) Omg we got there and set up and sure enough a few minutes they all showed up. My mom and Chris's mom finally met after 1 yr and 7 months wow thats a long time ago huh?? Believe it because it happen today. So we all where helping each other cut the tomatoes, the onions, avocato etc. It was priceless. No money can buy the smiles , the laughter , the love that was there today. I felt at peace but a part of me was missing. I would give anything to have Chris with us. The last time we celebrated fathers day we all went to dinner and took pictures at this star shot place :) Today was real nice, clear sky's the most perfect weather. The only piece missing to the puzzle is having Chris with us. We ate so delicious and i cant believe it. I had so much fun we went to the water park and we got all wet.I know I am 25 years old but I sure act like I am 5 yrs old.I had a long day and need to rest for tomorrow. The lesson for today is live your life and do what makes you and god happy. And always remember that material things and treasures cannot and will not buy true happiness within you. I love myself and i love those who support me. Good night world.